Nettlehorst, R. P., A Year With Jesus: Daily Readings and Reflections on Jesus' Own Words. Thomas Nelson, 2011.
We can understand Jesus' message best when we approach it with humility and openness.
In many ways, R. P. Nettlehorst's A Year With Jesus: Daily Readings and Reflections on Jesus' Own Words is a typical devotional collection. It follows the usual formula: a daily scripture passage labeled "Day 1" through "Day 365" followed by a brief (approximately half page) reflection on the meaning and application of the scripture. The daily readings are grouped into sections with names like "Love and Hate," "Truth and Lies," "Arrogance and Humility," "Friends and Enemies," "Belief and Disbelief," and "Patience and Impatience."
Several things set this book apart from other devotional collections. The theme is unique in that the scripture selections are Jesus's words from the Gospels, Acts, and Revelation. They follow a rough timeline of His ministry and conclude with the crucifixion and resurrection. The reflections that follow the selections are straight-forward and action-oriented, designed to impel the reader forward in his or her faith journey.
Another attractive feature of A Year With Jesus is that the scriptural interpretations are very straightforward and would appeal to a broad spectrum of readers.
Perhaps my favorite feature of the book is that each scripture selection is preceded by a brief contextual explanation. This is a great help since the scripture selections are non-sequential.
A Year With Jesus would be a good selection for newer believers or as a basis for a long-range targeted study of Jesus's words.

In interest of full disclosure, I received a review copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for writing reviews but have full editorial discretion regarding the content of these reviews.
We can understand Jesus' message best when we approach it with humility and openness.
R. P. Nettlehorst
In many ways, R. P. Nettlehorst's A Year With Jesus: Daily Readings and Reflections on Jesus' Own Words is a typical devotional collection. It follows the usual formula: a daily scripture passage labeled "Day 1" through "Day 365" followed by a brief (approximately half page) reflection on the meaning and application of the scripture. The daily readings are grouped into sections with names like "Love and Hate," "Truth and Lies," "Arrogance and Humility," "Friends and Enemies," "Belief and Disbelief," and "Patience and Impatience."
Several things set this book apart from other devotional collections. The theme is unique in that the scripture selections are Jesus's words from the Gospels, Acts, and Revelation. They follow a rough timeline of His ministry and conclude with the crucifixion and resurrection. The reflections that follow the selections are straight-forward and action-oriented, designed to impel the reader forward in his or her faith journey.
Another attractive feature of A Year With Jesus is that the scriptural interpretations are very straightforward and would appeal to a broad spectrum of readers.
Perhaps my favorite feature of the book is that each scripture selection is preceded by a brief contextual explanation. This is a great help since the scripture selections are non-sequential.
A Year With Jesus would be a good selection for newer believers or as a basis for a long-range targeted study of Jesus's words.
In interest of full disclosure, I received a review copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for writing reviews but have full editorial discretion regarding the content of these reviews.
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