Saturday, July 11, 2009

“Mark”-ing the Season

The “growing time” of Season After Pentecost continues throughout July and the lectionary selections are organized sequentially rather than the thematic structure of the Easter and Christmas cycles. The basic weekly pattern of the Revised Common Lectionary (versions are used by Anglican, Methodist, Presbyterian, and Anglican congregations worldwide) is to provide an Old Testament reading, a psalm which responds to the Old Testament reading, a New Testament reading from an epistle or Revelation, and a reading from one of the synoptic gospels (rotated annually among Matthew, Mark, or Luke). Between Trinity Sunday and Christ the King Sunday (the last Sunday of the liturgical year), large portions of the Old Testament (Second Samuel during the month of July) are read sequentially except on the weeks when related closely to the gospel reading. Mark's gospel will be the focus this year (Year B). Since Mark is the shortest of the synoptic gospels, it will be supplemented with readings from John.

“Using the Revised Common Lectionary,” Consultation on Common Texts (2008), found June 23, 2009, .
The United Methodist Book of Worship. 1992. The United Methodist Publishing House: Nashville, TN.
United Methodist Calendar & Workbook 2009. 2008. Abingdon Press: Nashville, TN.
Smith, N. Y. The Sacristy: A Community for Wesleyan Sacristans, , found April 20, 2009, updated April 20, 2009.

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